Saturday 31 August 2024

Inktober Tangles 2024 Official List

October will soon be here, and that means Inktober will soon be starting.

Inktober is an online event where artists all over the world challenge themselves by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month. In 2015, I adapted the idea to fit with Zentangle art by making each day’s prompts be a tangle. I call my list of tangles the Inktober Tangles challenge.

Here are some common questions that people have asked about Inktober Tangles:

Why is it called a “challenge”?
It is not a challenge against others, but a challenge to draw something every day for a whole month.

What are the requirements to join Inktober Tangles challenge?
Just draw something every day for the month of October. That’s all there is to it. You can tangle on a tile, in your sketchbook, and use any shape or size or colour. The important thing is that you build the habit of tangling every day.

When does Inktober begin?
It begins on the 1st of October every year.

What if I miss a day?
Create one art work by combining today’s tangle with the tangle that you’ve missed. Or just skip the tangle that you’ve missed and carry on. Always remember that the point of Inktober is to encourage you to draw more, so don’t feel too badly if life happens and you had to skip a day or two.

Why are so many tangles in your list non-official tangles?
I try to feature non-official tangles in order to introduce you to new tangles that you may not have seen or used before. Having other tanglers use a tangle you have deconstructed is always great fun, and it builds a community spirit while supporting other tanglers. If you want to swap out the non-official tangles, feel free to do so.

What if I don’t like a particular tangle?
I encourage you to still try to create something with it. Pushing past your comfort zone is part of the spirit of Inktober. If you really dislike a tangle, you can always substitute it with another tangle.

What happens after Inktober ends? Will there be another challenge in November?
We do not have a daily challenge in November. However, the 7F5R Challenge group on Facebook hosts weekly and bi-monthly challenges. It is also the official Facebook group for Inktober Tangles.

Is there an official hashtag for Inktober Tangles?
Yes. This year, we are using #InktoberTangles2024

Where can I find the step-outs to all of the prompts for Inktober Tangles 2024?
I have created a handout that contains the list of tangles that you can print on A4 or US letter sized paper. It also contains links to all of the tangles’ step-outs, and examples that I have created for each day’s prompt to inspire you.

Without further ado, here are the prompts for Inktober Tangles 2024:

I hope that you have fun with this year’s list.  If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I can also be reached at or on Instagram @havepen_willdraw. If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee at

I can’t wait to see what you create for this year’s Inktober Tangles.

Warmest Wishes,
Stephanie Jennifer, CZT 21

Monday 27 May 2024

Insightful Intwine

We're at the second quarter of 2024 already. How quickly time flies.

This year, my chosen Word of the Year was "Beginnings". I wanted 2024 to be a year of new art projects, new adventures, and new connections. I spent the first two months recharging and focusing my energies on how I wanted my future to look like. 

I think, when you have unfocused energies, you attract people into your life whose energies don't align with yours. So it is a good exercise to take some time to sit with yourself and ask what is it, really, that you want.

It is at this time, too, that I was reminded that healing is not a linear journey. You think that you have gotten over something, but then the wound reopens. I have learnt that, that is okay.

Feelings demand to be felt. A friend told me that, she imagines her feelings to be ships entering and leaving the harbour... And all you're tasked to do is to acknowledge the ships - be it small ones that are paddle boats, or huge ones that are mega cruise ships... You thank them for visiting your harbour, and then wave goodbye to them.

With that, I would love to share with you a new tangle, that celebrates the new connections I've made. This is "Intwine"-

Here are some tiles I made featuring Intwine:

This tile also features my other tangles, Feist and Mirai. Check them out by clicking the links, if you'd like.

Lastly, I leave you with this lovely quote:

"The longer I live, the more deeply I learn that love - whether we call it friendship or family or romance - is the work of mirroring and magnifying each other's light. Gentlework. Steadfast work. Lifesaving work in those moments when life and shame and sorrow occlude our own light from our own view, but there is still a clear-eyed loving person to beam it back. In our best moments, we are that person for another."

If you use Intwine in your works, tag me on Instagram ( @havepen_willdraw ). I'd love to see what you create.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Mindfully Mirai

Isn't it scary how every single time we open our hearts to love, that there is a possibility of getting hurt. And yet, the lure is immense... 

We make plans - and yet life has a way of happening. "Mirai" means "future" in Japanese. With it, I think of my hopes for the future. I might not know how things would go, but I am hopeful for things working out in the best way possible.

Here's how to draw "Mirai":

And here are some tiles I made featuring the tangle:

"I think about how one day, they won't be here anymore. So I am trying my best in this lifetime and theirs, to love them as hard as I can."

This tile also features my other tangles, Intwine and Feist.

I hope the future brings you much joy and wonderful adventures!

If you use Mirai in your works, tag me on Instagram ( @havepen_willdraw ). I'd love to see what you create.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Floral Feist

Everything has its season — that's what I've been told. 

Sometimes, you might wish with all of your heart for something to happen, but you might not be ready for it, or there might be something even better waiting for you in the future. Have you experienced that in your life?

When I think of Feist, I think of softness, or a flower blooming - reaching out towards the sunlight. It represents slow growth - one that is done at your own pace and is sustainable in the long-term. It begins with a sparkle, and then it blossoms.

I hope you'll like using this sweet tangle in your own work, as much as I've enjoyed using it in mine, recently.

Here are the step-outs to my newest tangle, "Feist":

"Beautiful one, you hold my heart.
This heart that sometimes blindly seeks suffering -
But I don't fault my stupid heart,
Because I know that suffering sometimes
can feel religious if you do it right."

This was a tile tinted using gorgeous hand-make watercolours from Wild Dot SG ( ). Their paints are made from pigments sourced in Singapore! Who knew soil could be so colourful. ✨

Check out some of my other tangles via this link.

And if you use Feist in your works, tag me on Instagram ( @havepen_willdraw ). I'd love to see what you create.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Jessica's Heart by Randi Jameson

This tangle was deconstructed by Randi Jameson. I am posting it on my blog with permission, so that the tangle can be shared with more people. The tangle was created to honour Randi's daughter, Jessica.

We hope you'll enjoy using this tangle in your art!