Friday 26 February 2016

Joey's 100th Challenge

  I didn't get time to post my submission for Joey's Challenge last week! Congratulations, Joey, on 100 wonderful weekly Zentangle challenges. ^-^ Here's my tile with the "100" string:
Derwent Inktense on Canson paper.
It was a very *very* loose interpretation of the "100" string.

  Onwards to other tiles!
Fassett and Bales done during a class.

Flux flower with Diva Dance. I really liked this tile.

Notice a trend? Hovering tangles with another tangle for the background. Simple but very effective.
Here's Hamadox and Mumsy. Looking at it on screen, I would've probably added more weight to the outlines of all the Hamadoxes.

  And here's a tile Joni and I did for Travelling Tangles:
A Zendala for a change!
Shimmery acrylic as a base.... Joni, of course, did the Diva Dance.

  And two tiles that I'm sending to other artists...

  And here's a tile Joni did with Debbie New (another CZT based in Singapore) :
Joni did the Flux Flower.

  And that's all I have for you for now. Till' next time, keep tangling~

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