It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be" by Paul Arden
It's an advice book a lot like "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon... I feel that this title is more directed towards those in commercial arts like designers, illustrators, and advertisers rather than focusing on fine art artists. Nonetheless, it was still a good read for me and had very feel good vibes and good advice within. The layout of the book is splendid- font size is great, text and picture placement is excellent, colour choices within the book is on point, and the quality of the book is great... The writer does inject some humour within the book and I appreciated that a lot.
The book opened with this sentence. |
It also contained a variety of quotes and personal anecdotes. |
And most of the remainder of the book consisted of segments like the above. Some pages had pictures to go with the text. |
In all, "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be" is an entertaining and feel-good book with some advice on how to get further in your art careers but you probably can finish reading it within a day, and I'm not sure whether I'll want to read it again after...
(Borrow your friends copy of the book if you can.)
6 out of 10 stars.
Stay tuned for my review of his second book, "Whatever you think, think the opposite."
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